Expanding upon the twice monthly newsletters informing my fellow citizens of what is taking place at city council meetings and area events and hosting quarterly community town hall meetings that I began after being elected to serve as your city council member in 2020, I will continue these open forums and will improve communication with fellow elected servants, city employees, business owners, residents, and media.
Expanding on the goals which will be set with the Alabama Communities of Excellence program which I had the honor of spearheading, I would also work with others to set short and long term goals within each department so we can track progress, work on achieving goals, and have a common direction.
Whether the goals are reduced crashes in an area, reduced criminal activity, achieving a certain level of use of city facilities, or improved aesthetics, having and working towards goals is a priority.
It is a priority to upgrade our emergency medical services to a full time agency.
It is an achievable goal to work with the city council (who is the only a entity to change the EMS agency in a municipality) and the Daleville Police Volunteer Rescue Board to transition from the current volunteer service to a full time service staffed 24/7 which will reduce response times.
I will pull from my 30 years of public safety service (28 years in EMS which includes being an advanced level licensed provider, supervisor, instructor, and more) and I will also reach out my established network on the national, state, and local level to ensure the transition to a full time, 24/7 staffed, paid service is conducted in the most efficient manner possible.
Seeing first hand the speed at which positive projects progress with the involvement of passionate citizens, it is proven that the best dreams become a reality when the community pulls together.
When addressing issues from stray animals to homeless to beautification of our community, it is best to engage those passionate about the issue and connect them with those with experience with handing the issues, and all of us work together as a community on achieving our goals.
Proven success with recent community led projects include the Boys and Girls Club and Disc Golf Course.
We have a phenomenal community and the sky is the limit with what can be achieved.
It is an honor to represent the City of Daleville at ribbon cuttings, grand openings, groundbreakings, installation of new Post Masters, Change of Commands, graduations, events at the Home of Army Aviation, and more.
It has also been an honor to participate in cleanup events at the park and other locations, engage with area businesses, promote local events, volunteer on the community, and help spark excitement in our community over the years.
If elected to serve as your mayor, I will be honored to continue to remain active and represent you in a professional manner.
I would encourage my fellow elected servants to keep the City of Daleville as an active member of the Ozark-Dale County Economic Development Corporation and would remain engaged with them and highlight available property in Daleville.
I also feel it is important to support our neighboring municipalities and our county. Fight for Daleville first, but if we do not have the property a prospective business is seeking, we need to advocate for our neighbors. This generates potential employment for our residents and a trickle effect for business and income for Daleville businesses and revenue for our city.
This advice resonated with me when it was shared at an Alabama League of Municipalities event when the Mayor of Tuskegee mentioned his city was in the final selection for the Boeing facility due to the amount of support he had from neighboring municipalities and counties. We have to work together.
The mayor is head of the executive branch of the city, oversees employees, and handles the day to day business as a CEO of a business would.
The mayor also executes contracts that are authorized by the council, presided over the council meetings, and can vote on matters before the council. The mayor does not have to vote on matters before the council unless there is a tie. If there is a tied vote, the mayor must vote. The only time the mayor cannot vote is if a matter is being voted on and they cause a tie. If that matter is brought up again for a vote, the mayor cannot vote again to raise another tie.
The council is the legislative branch of the city. In Daleville, we do not have districts or places. The top five candidates in the election win a seat on the council. The council passes ordinances, sets policy, sets tax rates, determines what services the city willl provide, and essentially controls the purse strings.
Fellow citizens play a huge role in ensuring the maximum success of our city. Being involved with city boards, engaging at community town hall meetings, and providing feedback on issues coming before the council is vital. Also, being involved in community events and working together with fellow citizens to make Daleville a better place is very important.
I can lay my head down at night knowing I have given my 100% to Daleville. Whether or not I am honored with the ability to serve as your next mayor, I will continue to give 100%. Regardless of who is elected as mayor or one of the five council members, it takes all elected servants, appointed department heads, city employees, and community members working together to make Daleville successful.
We are all in this together. Let us all find the common ground and serve together.
Having served the community for more than 29 of my 47 years of my life as both a volunteer and professional public servant, I have always felt led to serve my community. These years of service include public safety, as a reservist in the U S Air Force, and as an elected servant to my fellow citizens.
In 2020, fellow Daleville citizens humbled and honored by entrusting me to serve as one of five city council members. I do not take this honor and trust lightly. Once elected, I immediately began taking the Alabama League of Municipalities courses, many out of my pocket, to learn more and I earned the Certified Municipal Official within a year. I wanted to ensure I provided you the best service possible.
I kept my word and have held regular, quarterly town hall style meetings to facilitate an exchange of information between one another and to stay informed. I have also kept my word by donating each of my council salary checks to deserving area organizations (over $ 18, 000 as of January 2025). By donating my council salary, I was also able to establish the Servants Heart Scholarship for a deserving high school senior who demonstrated they give back to the community. The student is selected by the school each year. I also kept my word by doing my best to keep you, my boss, informed. One of the ways I am doing this is by doing a bimonthly newsletter which is sent out via an email list-serve ( subscribe by emailing KevinTurleyDaleville+Subscribe@groups.io ) & posted on my website at www.KevinTurley.us. These newsletters include a synopsis of the council meetings and events happening in Daleville.
I do my very best to represent Daleville professionally at business ribbon cuttings, community engagements, events at the U S Army Aviation Center of Excellence, government forums, and more.
I do my very best to serve my community, maintain communication with those I serve, not promise things that cannot be guaranteed, advocate for current and new businesses, advocate for improvements, be fiscally responsible with your tax dollars, maintain professional city representation at area events, and serve in partnership with fellow elected servants.
I have felt led to serve you, my boss, as your Mayor. I have prayed about this for some time now. This, like accepting the call to serve as your city council member, is something I have prayed over a lot. I am still feeling led to ask you for the honor to serve as your mayor.
If you feel led to elect me as your mayor, I will continue to do all that I am currently doing. I will need to take a portion of the mayoral salary in order to dedicate the needed time to the city. I will also strive to improve communication between elected servants, department heads, employees, and fellow citizens. I will strive to have short term and long term goals set for our city and regularly ensure we are on course to achieve our goals together. I will facilitate the involvement of members of our community to achieve goals. I will continue to strive to work with all involved to bring additional businesses to Daleville while also ensuring we don’t lose focus on serving the businesses we have.
I am a transplant to Daleville, but Daleville has been my home since 2016. I am a homeowner and have no intent on moving elsewhere. My wife and I own a business here. My children attend Daleville City Schools. I am vested in the success of our community.
In addition to the above, I currently serve as::
· Alabama League of Municipalities Committee on Public Safety: Committee Member
· National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians: Alabama Advocacy Coordinator
· ARRL Alabama Section: District B Emergency Coordinator (ten county district) & Dale County Emergency Coordinator
· AMVETS Department of Alabama,: Executive Director
· Southeast Alabama AMvETS Post 7: Commander
· Dale EMS and Rescue Squad (all volunteer ALS2 rescue squad): Advanced EMT, SARTECH, and Director
· Daleville Area Amateur Radio Service: Trustee
· Daleville Legacy, Growth, and Skills: Board Member
· K-9 Addi Memorial Foundation: Founder and Board Member (providing training grants for deserving public safety K-9 teams)
· Public safety instructor: Volunteering hundreds of hours of instruction
As in 2020, I plan to walk the neighborhoods of Daleville to listen to your concerns, allow you to ask any questions you may have, and to ask for the honor of earning your vote. Learning from 2020, I am going to start walking the neighborhoods earlier in the year as I was unable to make it to all of the houses before the elections in 2020. Also, as in 2020, in addition to feeling led to serve you, I, again, feel led to self fund the campaign.
If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please reach out to me by texting or calling 334.379.8286. If I am unable to answer your call at the time (dedicating time to a fellow citizen, working, etc), please leave a voicemail and I will call you back.
Whether you feel led to elect me or someone else, please vote in the Daleville Municipal Election on Tuesday, August 26, 2025 between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm at the Daleville Cultural and Convention Center located at 750 South Daleville Avenue. If you’re unable to vote in person, please visit AlabamaVotes.gov for details on Absentee Voting.
Kevin Turley